AH! Today totally rocked. So fun!:). I was dropped at the wrong place. Then, cursing I got back into the car. I called Siew and she told me the place. The n we met. We got a call from Pang Pang to meet us at the esculater. We walked then we saw Pris, Pang Pang and Mel screaming for us. We then had a petty squable of whether or not crossing roads was fun. We had to wait for Anne for 20 min. AT LEAST. When she arrived, we pointed out to her that it was she who said that we HAD to be punctual. Death threats were flying everywhere. When we went into the train, I saw my tuition teacher. She looked at my friends oddly when she saw us. I, of course, said a hello. We went to Vivo and sarcastically told Pris that it was void of people. She had told us that it was not crowded. We went to the playground and saw NAKED boys. (They were damn young, thank GOD) We played on that thing and this little boy kept ruining the pictures that we took. Then we ran down the climbing thingy holding hands. After that, Pang Pang and Pris got lost. At TOY'S R US. (Brilliant!!!) They they pretended to cry on the phone screaming mommy. When we asked them which shop they were at they replied saying MOMMY. Then they finally told us that they were in the Elmo section. When we finally stopped taking pictures of ourselves with Elmo, we could not find them. *Sigh* Then we took the MRT to Plaza Singapore. Megan and Pris ate at Long John's cause they had not eaten. Anne and I shared Cheese fries. NICEEEE. Anne and Melodibought Bangles and realiesed that they could not separte it. Then after alot of drama, they decided that one of the two of them got it. Our neoprints were pretty shitty. Then we got Hui Lin's present.(s) Megan, Anne and I chipped in and bought her nice nice things.:) We went to Starbucks and Megan, Pris and Siew bought choco, coffee, choco respectively. Anne, Melodi, Siew and I went to McDonalds but decided against buying anythin. Then we lost the other two. AGAIN. Then we found tham but left without them. We were discussing SMRT.(The aTHING that is our classmate) it was so fun!!!!